Welcome to a brand new way of beating porn addiction
You may have tried other methods in the past but had no success, or this may be the first time you’ve looked for help. Either way what you’ll find here is something that is accessible, affordable and anonymous.
Welcome to Pivotal Recovery and a brand new way of overcoming porn addiction and beating sex addiction. Pivotal Recovery is an affordable, accessible and anonymous resource for people who want to beat porn addiction.
You may have tried other methods in the past such as individual therapy, or an online forum or maybe 12-step groups but so far had no success. Or perhaps this is the first time you’ve looked for help. Either way what you’ll find here is something that is accessible, affordable and anonymous.
Pivotal Recovery is a podcast-based self-help resource that will give you all the information and tools you need to find permanent recovery for sex addiction and porn addiction. You can undertake the whole course from any internet enabled device in the privacy of your own home by listening to the daily podcast and then personalising the content in your workbook. Pivotal is sex-positive and gives you the tools to enjoy permanent recovery.
Am I addicted to porn?
If you’re not sure whether your addicted to porn or if your sexual behaviours are compulsive, then you can use our anonymous self-assessment tool by following the link below.
Does it work?
We’re just completing the first phase of our pilot study and look forward to sharing the results with you on these blog pages. In the meantime, I can reassure you that the Pivotal Course is based on decades of research and clinical experience. The course follows the CHOICE Recovery Model which has been successfully used with thousands of clients in individual therapy and groupwork all around the world. This model is more than just a structured treatment plan, it’s a philosophy. It’s more than a strategy for stopping compulsive behaviours and enduring reluctant sobriety, it’s a roadmap to establish confident recovery and change your life. I’ll talk much more about our approach in future blogs, but first let me outline the 6 steps of the CHOICE Recovery Model. CHOICE is an acrostic that stands for: –
C – Challenge Core Beliefs
H – Have a Vision
O – Overcome Compulsive Behaviours
I – Identify Positive Sexuality
C – Connect with Others
E – Establish Confident Recovery
Over the next few blogs we’ll look at each of these 6 steps in more depth, but if you can’t wait, do get a copy of my book Understanding & Treating Sex & Pornography Addiction (Routledge, key areas of recovery and how they relate to sex addiction and porn addiction.
Or start your recovery with Pivotal today.